Prospective Students

我们知道财政援助的过程可能会令人困惑. 以下是该过程的步骤和许多常见问题的答案.

What is financial aid & who provides the money?

  1. 奖学金、助学金、贷款、就业
  2. 联邦,州,机构,私人

How to apply for financial aid.

  1. Federal Financial Aid - FAFSA
  2. Merit/Academic Financial Aid

The Results of the FAFSA

  1. What is the SAI?
  2. What does it mean?


  1. What is the Cost of Education?
  2. What is Financial Need & How is it Determined?

The Financial Aid Award Offer

  1. 什么是经济援助奖励?
  2. 为什么我没有收到联邦工作学习,SEOG等.?


  1. 上365体育投注要花多少钱?
  2. What about Books?
  3. 减去助学金后我还欠多少钱?

I want to Accept my Award Offer & Attend the University of New Haven.

  1. Sign & 把文件寄给365体育投注的财政援助办公室
  2. 完成联邦贷款的入学咨询
  3. 完整的联邦贷款主本票


  1. Who do I tell?
  2. What forms must be completed?


  1. What are Private Scholarships?
  2. 如何搜索私人奖学金?
  3. What about Scholarship Scams?
  4. 如果我知道我获得了私人奖学金,我该怎么办?


  1. Net Price Calculator - Main Campus