2024年马丁·路德·金. 庆祝活动

授权民主:体现牧师. Dr. 马丁·路德·金的愿景

2024年马丁·路德·金纪念日. 庆祝委员会旨在纪念博士的遗产. 马丁·路德·金. with a week of thought-provoking activities centered on EmPOWERing Democracy: Embodying Dr. 马丁·路德·金的愿景.

作为一个充电器社区,我们将专注于博士. King's historical vision of America's democracy by addressing the intersection of voting rights, 非暴力运动, and some pivotal moments when America became a democratic society. 我们也会认可全国有色人种协进会的工作, which has used advocacy and litigation to fight for civil rights, 自115年前成立以来.

Dr. King's tireless efforts to secure rights and advocate for justice for all people are at the heart of our MLK week celebration. 除了, EmPOWERing Democracy pays tribute to those who have fought – and continue to fight – for equity and justice. We acknowledge that 非暴力运动 and social justice advocacy, 这些定义了. 国王的领导, remain central to our approach to fostering meaningful dialogue and social change within our Charger community.

授权民主:体现博士. 马丁·路德·金的愿景" is a tribute to the past and a call to action today -- and for the future. 它体现了李博士不屈不挠的精神. King's dream and inspires a new generation to continue the pursuit of a more just, caring, 公平的社会.



1月18日星期四下午4:30.m. | 巴特尔斯校园中心的校友休息室

Please join us in celebrating the legacy of faith identity in activism at our Interfaith Service. This event will feature faith leaders representing faiths from our community speaking about how faith has played a role in their work and the legacy of faith in the civil rights movement and other movements for liberation around the world.

由Myatt多元化中心赞助 & 包容和学生主任办公室.


1月19日星期五上午11点.m. – 2 p.m. | 巴特尔斯校园中心的校友休息室

Please join us in celebrating the legacy and history of activism at the 365体育投注 and beyond at the 庆祝活动 & 行动主义档案. 作为unehaven行动主义档案的一部分, the University community is invited to share and contribute experiences, events, photos, videos, and more of moments of activism in the University’s history.

由Myatt多元化中心赞助 & 包容和住宿生活办公室


1月19日星期五- 1月23日星期二

加入学生参与中心, 领导, and 取向 for various community service projects to be held during our 灵魂的庆祝活动. These projects will be completed in collaboration with nonprofit organizations supporting the Greater New Haven community.

  • 1月19日星期五: Students, faculty, and staff are invited to make sandwiches that will be donated to the Columbus House in New Haven. 所有用品由索迪斯提供,中午到下午三点.m.,莫尔顿休息室,巴特尔斯校园中心
  • 1月22日星期一: 在WHEAT做志愿者,8a.m. to 4 p.m. (two-hour shifts); Volunteer at Beulah Social Integration 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
  • 1月23日星期二: 比乌拉社会融合中心的志愿者.m. to 2 p.m.

由学生参与中心赞助, 领导, and 取向 the Office of 研究生和国际学生生活.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 充电器连接 or email cselo@jstp28.com.


1月22日星期一下午5点.m. | Bergami Center for Science, Technology, and Innovation, Room 203

Join the NAACP for a workshop on the legacy of 马丁·路德·金 and other activists. Participants will be able to enjoy an interactive session and contribute from their own experiences and perspectives.

由Myatt多元化中心赞助 & 包容和NAACP认可的学生组织.

更多信息,请发送电子邮件 cdi@jstp28.com


1月24日星期三下午5点.m. | 巴克纳尔剧院,多德大厅

Please join the 灵魂的庆祝活动 committee for the culmination of our weeklong celebration. The event will feature a keynote speaker as well as recognition of MLK Vision Award recipients who demonstrate a commitment to the ideals and values of Dr. King. We will also honor the winners of the MLK地区中学生挑战赛. The celebration is an integral part of the MLK week of events. 它是免费向公众开放的.


更多信息请发电子邮件 deanofstudents@jstp28.com

Awards & 认可提名

提名表格 (myCharger需登入)

Philip & 苏珊·巴特尔斯领导和服务奖
提名表格 (myCharger需登入)

奖学金申请 (myCharger需登入)



We are inviting regional secondary school students to submit an entry (video, essay, poem, visual, etc.),描绘了马丁·路德·金的主题: 授权民主:体现牧师. Dr. 马丁·路德·金的愿景 as well as what 马丁·路德·金 means to them and their communities. 这是对所有高中生开放的. The winners of this challenge will be recognized at the 灵魂的庆祝活动 event.


所有参赛作品均可通过电子邮件发送至 MLK庆祝活动@jstp28.com.



  • 亚尼斯·门德斯-费尔南德斯博士.D.卫生科学学院副院长,公共卫生硕士
  • 大卫·施罗德博士.D.副院长亨利C. 李刑事司法学院
  • 迈克尔·罗西博士.D., Associate Dean for Faculty and Curriculum, 文理学院
  • 佩里·亚历山大,23岁
  • 利奥·莱文·阿基诺,23年
  • 阿扎·侯赛因23岁.A.

2023年菲利普 & 苏珊·巴特尔斯领导与服务奖
Linda Copney-Okeke, 1991, 1994, 2002年.A.,无障碍资源中心主任

Kaelin Barrionuevo, 26岁

Eyosias Teka '24


  • Adrielys Gomez, 22岁
  • 玛丽·利帕,23岁
  • 理查德·康塞普西翁20年,22年.A.
  • Staff – Zanaiya Leon ‘18, '20 MBA, Assistant Director, Myatt Center
  • 教师:丹尼尔·库珀,博士.D.,刑事司法副教授

Philip & 苏珊·巴特尔斯领导和服务奖

安踏秋天' 23
Katiushka Ruiz ' 24

Kiana White, 23岁